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Torminalis Horticultural Services



*        Free quotations for all services available - contact Colin at enquiries@torminalis.co.uk or on 07751 356094 for details

*        Tree, Shrub, Hedging and Wildflower Sales.
                Click the "Sales" button for details.
*        Training
                THS offers training in hedge laying, ecological surveying etc.
*        Seed collecting and growing-on
                THS collects local provenance tree and wildflower seeds, and grows them on to saleable size.
*        Hedge Laying
                THS will lay hedges using mainly the Midlands hedging style. 
*        Fruit Tree sales and pruning
                THS sells a very wide variety of trees including most of the Bedfordshire vareties, again click the "Sales" button for more information.
                We also will undertake orchard restoration, maintenace and formative pruning
*        Ecological and Aboricultural Surveys
                We will undertake flora and fauna surveys, tree development and condition surveys to the relevant ISO standards.
*        Woodland Contracting
                Tree planting, thinning, formative pruning, coppicing and woodland restoration.
*       Gardening
                Garden maintenance and landscaping to your specification.